Free storyboard creator

Make a storyboard to visualize your ideas. You can easily get started by browsing through ready-made storyboard templates in VistaCreate. Our storyboard maker makes it easy to find the right layouts for any ideas you might have. Try this free storyboard software, and see how easy it is!
Design for free
No credit card needed
Simplified storyboard creator

Create storyboards with minimal effort

Feel like a real storyboard designer with our easy-to-use design features. Create a custom board with free tools in our online storyboard maker. It’s quite enjoyable to plan every stage of your visual project when you have ready-made templates to use. Need to share your design? Quickly present your digital storyboard to your team using the various sharing options in this storyboard builder.
Create storyboards online

Powerful tools for easy storyboard creating

Start with a free storyboard template, easily adjust it to your projects, and voilà — your design is ready! Sounds like magic? Check out the easiest way to make custom designs with VistaCreate! Our storyboard maker offers hundreds of ready-to-use templates, free editing tools, and millions of creative assets — everything you need to visualize your ideas.

Free storyboard templates

Whether you’re storyboarding for film, video, a website, or game, you’ll definitely find the necessary storyboard template in VistaCreate. Get inspired by thousands of ready-made templates in our storyboard generator and create a compelling storyline to simplify your video-making process.
Family on Happy Summer Day Couple having Breakfast in bed

Exceptional editing tools

Access various design features and easy-to-use storyboard tools in VistaCreate to visualize any video concept. Add audio to your storyboard online, enhance it with design objects, remove image backgrounds, and make other edits if needed.
Family on Happy Summer Day Couple having Breakfast in bed

Extensive library of fonts

Experiment with fonts to make your storyboard image more eye-catching. Explore over 680 typography styles in the VistaCreate storyboard creator and select the perfect one to highlight key moments in your storyboard. You can also upload your brand fonts to draw a storyboard in line with your brand identity.
Storyboards Storyboards

Various customization tools

Easily personalize your design using VistaCreate’s storyboard software; all elements in your digital storyboard template are completely customizable. Upload your own images, add your brand palettes, move or delete text blocks, and visualize your ideas with an interactive storyboard.
Family on Happy Summer Day Couple having Breakfast in bed

Convenient resizing tool

Resize your designs into different formats in the VistaCreate storyboard creator. Use pre-made formats and quickly adjust your design to various platforms. You can also set a custom size and create printable or digital shareable storyboards for your video projects.
Storyboards Storyboards Storyboards

How to make storyboards in VistaCreate

  • Step 1

    Start with a template

    See ready-made templates for detailed storyboards.

    1. Log in to VistaCreate. Or, create an account to have all your projects autosaved.

    2. Select the format. To do so, type “storyboard” into the search bar and select the proper format to get started.

    3. Explore templates. Select a layout that is best for your creative idea. You can also create a storyboard from scratch.

  • Step 2

    Edit the storyboard

    Change text, colors, objects, and more.

    1. Edit colors and fonts. This will help you set the right mood for your project and inspire new ideas.

    2. Change text. Write your scenes in detail to have a clear storyboard for your project.

    3. Add illustrations. Find illustrations in the “Objects” tab to visualize your ideas in the storyboard.

  • Step 3

    Download your project

    Download your storyboard or share it online with a team.

    1. Download your design. After adding the final touch to your project, download the storyboard in a desired format: JPG, PNG, PDF, or others.

    2. Share it online. You can also share your storyboard online right from the VistaCreate editor.

    3. Make edits. If you need to change something about your storyboard, find it in the “My Projects” tab.

Get full design power with
  • Access thousands of premium templates for your projects

  • Design using files from a library of 150M+ photos, videos, vectors

  • Remove backgrounds from your images with a single click

  • Unlock infinite Brand Kits, unlimited storage, and version history

  • Collaborate with up to 10 members in your Team Account

  • Make your own stickers, quickly resize designs, and more

How to create a storyboard in VistaCreate

  • Put your script on paper

    Start by thinking about your story and the main idea behind it. Identify the flow, describe the beginning, middle, and end, and make a clear script for your video before storyboarding.

  • Prepare the slides

    Sketch out your story to have a clear visual understanding of it. Think about the aspect ratio of your video, and use rectangles of the same size when drawing your storyboard mockup.

  • Draw your storyboard

    Present each step of your screenplay with sketches, illustrations, or photos. Determine the color palette and other elements of your visual storyboard based on the purpose and audience it is made for.

  • Add notes and comments

    Number each rectangle in your storyboard. Add notes about each scene of your project. Describe subjects, actions, and other important details. Detailed and shareable storyboards are best to effectively visualize your ideas.


  • What are the main benefits of a storyboard?

    This graphic organizer is a good way to sketch out your story. Besides, commercial storyboards make the production process easier and more effective. It also helps piece together details and organizes your time.
  • What should my storyboard include?

    A storyboard usually consists of several square sections with illustrations. It visualizes every shot in your project, contains notes that describe what happens in each scene, and includes dialogues if necessary. If you don’t know what to start with — VistaCreate has you covered with tons of storyboard templates! Simply pick any ready-made template in our storyboard creator for free and quickly customize it using various storyboarding tools.
  • What is the difference between storyboard and animatic?

    A storyboard contains sketches of your story — static illustrations that represent the main idea and plot in every scene. Animatics are more complex designs that not only show idea realization, but also make it possible to see the general dynamic of your future video. In VistaCreate, you can effortlessly design an animatic or a storyboard for free.
  • Can I create a storyboard on my phone?

    Of course! You don’t need to install any complicated storyboarding program or look for the best storyboard app to design on your phone. Use the storyboard creator in the VistaCreate app. You can easily switch from the free storyboard app and continue editing on our website with advanced tools, such as Brand Kit or Sticker Maker.

What our users say about VistaCreate

Charlotte Polley
Charlotte Polley
owner of Boo’s Toy Shop.
Using VistaCreate has enabled me to grow my marketing and content skills. People have noticed that my content has changed across social media and I am loving the comments.
Read Charlotte’s story
Jennifer Parr
Jennifer Parr
founder of DIYvinci, an online arts and crafts store.
When you’re a small business owner wearing multiple hats, using a tool like VistaCreate that saves time is crucial. You also don’t have to spend a huge amount of money to be able to develop good designs for your company.
Read Jennifer’s story
Kirsty Cleverly
Kirsty Cleverly
owner of Bonjour Quilts, an online quilt pattern store.
My visuals now look better than anything I could just come up with on my own. VistaCreate makes graphic design so much quicker and easier for me, leaving me with more time to put back into my business. It has been such a force multiplier!
Read Kirsty’s story
Lisa Harvey
Lisa Harvey
owner of Content Perfection.
VistaCreate has massive functionality and I love that it’s just so easy to use. It allows my ideas to come to life. And that has helped me with selling my services and products to clients and prospects tenfold.
Read Lisa’s story
Rick Blyth
Rick Blyth
Micro SaaS apps developer.
It’s just so quick to create graphics using VistaCreate that it almost feels like cheating. As everything is fully customizable, I’m able to quickly create designs consistent with my brand very quickly.”
Read Rick’s story