Free Gift Certificate Maker

Beautiful gift certificates are a great way to promote your product or service. Easily create custom gift certificate designs using professionally-made templates in VistaCreate. Reward your customers with an irresistible gift card and encourage their future purchases!
Design for free
No credit card needed
Make your Gift Certificate Free

Design a gift certificate for your business

You don’t always need a professional graphic designer to create appealing visuals for your brand. Explore tons of design ideas in VistaCreate and find the best template for your business. Customize the pre-made layouts in our gift card builder and create gift certificates that positively impact your brand image.
how to design gift cards in VistaCreate

Amazing perks of the gift certificate generator

Searching for an easy-to-use gift card maker? Look no further! VistaCreate, with thousands of ready-made templates and intuitive editing tools, is all you need for making custom gift cards. Select the right gift certificate template for your business, customize it with various objects and features, and you’re done!

Free gift card templates

Whether you’re a small business or not, access professionally-designed templates in VistaCreate and make a digital or printable gift certificate for your industry. All layouts in our gift card creator can be easily modified and customized, making the creative process easy and quick.
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Unlimited editing options

Add text, move objects around, change colors, experiment with item sizes, and add new items or delete them altogether. Customize any gift certificate template instantly with easy-to-use design tools and design a certificate your customers will love.
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Quick resizing tool

With the VistaCreate editor, you can easily resize your design into preset dimensions or set a custom size – all in one step. Quickly adjust your gift card design to social media platforms and engage followers with your special offers or resize it to suit other business needs.
Gift Certificate Gift Certificate Gift Certificate

Design objects for every topic

Add more flair to a gift card template by customizing it with various design objects. Choose from 53,000+ static and animated elements, including icons, illustrations, shapes, frames, masks, and lines, and create standout gift cards.
Gift Certificate Gift Certificate

Creative assets library

Enhance your card using an extensive creative library in the VistaCreate gift card builder. Explore 70+ millions of royalty-free photos, videos, and vectors on any topic or theme and add them to your design. You can also liven up your card by adding animation from the VistaCreate collection.
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How to make gift certificates in VistaCreate

  • Step 1

    Discover templates

    Need design ideas for your gift certificate? Check out our layouts!

    1. Start with an account. Sign up or log in to VistaCreate to have your designs autosaved.

    2. Choose the format. Enter “gift certificate” into the search bar on the VistaCreate homepage and select the right format to get started.

    3. Select a template. Explore hundreds of pre-made designs and pick a gift certificate template that suits your business and purpose.

  • Step 2

    Personalize your certificate

    Change colors, fonts, and other details in your gift card.

    1. Customize colors and fonts. Apply your brand’s color scheme and typography to your gift certificate. Add your logo if needed.

    2. Edit text. Change the brand name. Customize the details in your gift certificate.

    3. Add design objects. Enhance your gift certificate with various design elements. Find them in the “Objects” tab in the editor.

  • Step 3

    Download and print

    Download your gift certificate or order prints right on the VistaCreate platform.

    1. Download your certificate. Once your design is ready, download it in a desired format — JPG, PNG, PNG Transparent, or PDF.

    2. Share online. You can also send your digital certificate via social media or print.

    3. Get it printed. Order prints right from VistaCreate and have your gift certificates delivered to your doorstep.

Get full design power with
  • Access thousands of premium templates for your projects

  • Design using files from a library of 150M+ photos, videos, vectors

  • Remove backgrounds from your images with a single click

  • Unlock infinite Brand Kits, unlimited storage, and version history

  • Collaborate with up to 10 members in your Team Account

  • Make your own stickers, quickly resize designs, and more


  • What should I include in my gift voucher?

    There are no strict requirements as to what your gift cards should include — it’s all up to you. But it’s highly recommended to add the recipient’s name, the awarded amount, the certificate expiration date, contact details, and other information that the recipient should know about. You can place extra details on the back of your design to not overload the front. VistaCreate offers double-sided certificate templates and design guides, so you can easily create a perfect gift certificate for your needs.
  • What is the standard certificate size?

    Certificates are usually around 8 x 3.75 inches in size. They are typically made in landscape orientation and are larger than gift cards. You can also create gift certificates that are 3.5 x 2 inches or make them bigger by setting an 8.5 x 4 size.
  • Can I create gift certificates from scratch?

    Of course! It‘s more convenient to use ready-made templates to design with VistaCreate, but you can also create a design from scratch. Just select a blank canvas and start your project using all the design tools and customization features in the gift card maker. You can also upload your own photos, illustrations, and other content to the gift certificate generator and create a personalized design.

Gift certificate templates for your business

Whether you need nominal gift cards for your store or personal certificates to reward regular customers, you’ll definitely find the right template in the VistaCreate gift certificate creator.

Get inspired by 150,000+ ready-made templates

Explore thousands of professionally designed templates for any platform or occasion in VistaCreate and easily make standout visuals for your business.

What our users say about VistaCreate

Charlotte Polley
Charlotte Polley
owner of Boo’s Toy Shop.
Using VistaCreate has enabled me to grow my marketing and content skills. People have noticed that my content has changed across social media and I am loving the comments.
Read Charlotte’s story
Jennifer Parr
Jennifer Parr
founder of DIYvinci, an online arts and crafts store.
When you’re a small business owner wearing multiple hats, using a tool like VistaCreate that saves time is crucial. You also don’t have to spend a huge amount of money to be able to develop good designs for your company.
Read Jennifer’s story
Kirsty Cleverly
Kirsty Cleverly
owner of Bonjour Quilts, an online quilt pattern store.
My visuals now look better than anything I could just come up with on my own. VistaCreate makes graphic design so much quicker and easier for me, leaving me with more time to put back into my business. It has been such a force multiplier!
Read Kirsty’s story
Lisa Harvey
Lisa Harvey
owner of Content Perfection.
VistaCreate has massive functionality and I love that it’s just so easy to use. It allows my ideas to come to life. And that has helped me with selling my services and products to clients and prospects tenfold.
Read Lisa’s story
Rick Blyth
Rick Blyth
Micro SaaS apps developer.
It’s just so quick to create graphics using VistaCreate that it almost feels like cheating. As everything is fully customizable, I’m able to quickly create designs consistent with my brand very quickly.”
Read Rick’s story